Profile Information

Solano Family & Children's Services

421 Executive Court North, Fairfield, CA 94534


Solano Family & Children's Services is the child care resource & referral agency for Solano County.

Mission Statement

Solano Family & Children's Services promotes and advocates for the well-being of children, their families, and child care providers by offering access to a variety of child care resources.


We offer a variety of programs that help families and child care providers in Solano County:

  • Our Resource & Referral Program provides a free list of child care providers to any family seeking child care, and supports individuals to become licensed and offer quality care.
  • Our Subsidized Program helps eligible low-income families & children at risk of abuse or neglect, pay for child care costs.
  • Our Food Program reimburses child care providers for serving nutritious meals to the children in their care.
  • Our Help Me Grow program connects families to programs and services in the county and provides developmental screenings for children ages 0 – 5.

We also educate and promote parent leadership/advocacy opportunities through PARENT VOICES SOLANO.  Parent Voices is a parent-led, parent-run, grassroots organization, fighting to make quality child care accessible and affordable to ALL families.  Free training, parent leadership development, and opportunities to advocate at the local, state, and federal level are also provided.



OUR COMMUNITY:  We expanded our services in Solano County by offering two new programs:

  • The Emergency Child Care Bridge Program provides child care and trauma-informed support needed for guardians and foster parents accepting emergency foster placements.
  • The Substance Abuse Program (SAP) provides child care and trauma-informed support for families seeking outpatient recovery treatment.
  • We developed and provided the community with our first ever Annual Report.

SERVING SOLANO COUNTY:  In 2018, we kept Solano County parents working and children learning by serving over 4,000 families, over 6,400 children, and approximately 1,500 Child Care Providers in all aspects of their child care & development needs.

ADVOCACY:  We expanded the participation of parents and providers involved in the Solano County Chapter of Parent Voices, which supports parents to advocate for their child care needs.  Their participation in the legislative process helped local families to maintain child care and continue working in order to become self-sufficient.

Funding Goals

COMMUNITY OUTREACH:   To educate EVERYONE in Solano County about who we are and the services we offer.

PARENT VOICES/PARENT LEADERSHIP:  To fund training for parent leadership development and advocacy in order to improve the quality, access, stability, and continuity of care for all families.


Community Resilience

Communities Served

Solano County

Populations Served

Infants & Children
Youth & Adolescents

Organization Information

  • IRS Determination Date: 1/1/1977
  • EIN: 94-2369308
  • Budget: More than $1,000,000
  • Board Size: 0 to 5 members
  • Staff Size: 16 or more